Get the Computer Password

In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, you will need to access the ryokan’s guest log on the computer at the front desk. You can do this if you tamed Suki, unlocked the puzzle box, found the key to room 18, and finished the tea lesson with Takae.

Inside the puzzle box at the front desk is a sealed envelope that you can translate to learn that the password to the computer is inside. Having learned about using steam on paper to release glue when Rentaro fixed your screen in your room, use the same technique:

Late at night, after 1am, enter room 18 when Takae is gone. Open the cupboard door to take the teapot and the key. (The key is for the drawers in this same chest, which you will need to access and read the Writing Japanese book.)

In the lobby, place the tea pot on the hook over the fire pit. Wait for the water to boil and start to steam. Once Nancy comments on it, use the password envelope on the steam to loosen the glue. Read the password and place the paper back in the envelope. Take the teapot.

The computer keys are in Hiragana, refer to the “Writing Japanese” book in the cultural room (room 18) to learn the buttons for Ta-ka-ka-wa. Press these on the computer and then press enter. You will know you entered it correctly when you see the screen of guest entries.

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