In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy finds a set of letters from solving the word search puzzle in the journal (Magnus’s Code). Locate the pins in the cupboard in
Author: Calina
Spot the Langspil Differences
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy opens the langspil instrument in the pub to find a puzzle. Spot all the differences in the ornate design to open the hidden
Triangle Box
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy finds a box in the Captain’s Quarters with triangle buttons. To open the box, you need to get all the triangles pressed down.
Codebreak the Crossword
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy finds a journal with a crossword/word find puzzle inside. The words you need to highlight are all ship terms. These terms are in
Open the Antique Desk
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy steps onto the ship and explores the Captain’s Quarters. There is an antique desk with a strange number lock on it. To solve
Get on the Ship
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy’s first task is to get on board the ship. To do this, walk across the dock to the ship and notice that the
Puzzles – SEA
Puzzles and activities the player gets to encounter and solve in Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness: Get on the ship Open the antique desk Codebreak, the crossword Triangle box Langspil
The Sand Castle Mystery
The Sand Castle Mystery is the 49th book in the Nancy Drew Notebooks series. It was published in August 2002 for Aladdin Paperbacks. The cover tagline says “Nancy, Bess, and
The Snow Queen’s Surprise
The Snow Queen’s Surprise is the 46th book in the Nancy Drew Notebooks series. It was published in February 2002 for Aladdin Paperbacks. The cover tagline says “Everything’s turning to
Calina’s Favorite Things
Hello friends! Here is where I share all my favorite things that I enjoy, so you can check them out and purchase them as well – if you’d like. (I