Bake the Cake

In Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch, Nancy must bake a birthday cake for Tex using Francis’s recipe. However, your measuring tools are not exact. Refer to the conversion chart on the fridge to calculate the correct amount of ingredients.

Butter = 2 sticks

Eggs = 2

Milk = 1 and 2/3 cups (5 clicks)

Flour = 4 cups (2 clicks)

Baking Powder = 1 tbs (3 clicks)

Sugar = 2 1/3 cups (7 clicks)

Vanilla = 1 tbs (3 clicks)

Pour into middle pan (largest round). Bake at medium for 45 minutes.

To decorate the cake with the marzipan, notice the grayed outline of the flower shape on the frosting. Start with the biggest pieces first, and right-mouse click to rotate them. Once you drop a piece on the cake and can no longer pick it up, you’ll know it is in the correct space.

You may color the flower bud red up to three shades, and the stem and leaf green up to three shades. There is no right way – just your preference. Once you are finished, back up a few times.


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