I like video games. But what I like even more is showing them off and engaging with the communities surrounding them! Especially when I get to use design and media.
Among my favorite programs to use are Photoshop, Premiere Pro, OBS, and InDesign. I can speak in front of an audience and operate in front of or behind a camera, as well as editing the footage with graphics and other fun elements.
I’m working on building a community of fellow gamers and Nancy Drew Clue Crew members on my YouTube channel: StoryRetold. Come watch my walkthroughs, playthroughs and how-to-solve-the-puzzles game tutorial videos!

This official game trailer for Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall is my all-time favorite game trailer I have made for HeR Interactive, Inc. This trailer included company branding. Other created videos for added engagement include vlog-style informational, green-screen, stop-motion, digital ads, YouTube and Twitch live streaming.

I have experience with a variety of graphic design projects:
- Layout design
- Branding
- Photo editing
- Web page graphics
- Merchandise art and store management
Original logo design made for Little Buddy Entertainment in 2010. I used an actual photo of his son for the illustration.

As a professional blogger, I also added “weekend puzzles” and mini-mysteries for readers to attempt to solve, then shared them from the blog to Facebook and Twitter.

- Certified in Business Writing – Bellevue College
- Project management
- Wiki building
- Microsoft Office
- Word Press and HTML for website editing
- Newsletter building – Constant Contact
- Organization and delivery of assets to third parties such as Steam, Amazon, Microsoft, BigFish, WildTangent, and more.
- Creating and running contests and promotions
- Layout design and writing Strategy Guides for games
- Game submissions to ESRB
Privacy Policy
Visit my Privacy Policy page for more details on the use of information on my site.

Mailing information:
Email: Calina Herman’s Shop
Letters or Packages: Calina Herman’s Shop
17404 Meridian Ave E,
Ste F 234,
Puyallup WA 98375, United States.