Horse Trivia

In Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch, Nancy needs to answer all Tex’s trivia questions about horses before she can go riding. Read up on horses with the two books in the den, as well as looking at the posters in the tack room. Questions are asked at random, but if you answer incorrectly, you will receive that question again later and have another chance at getting the correct answer.

Here are all the horse trivia questions and answers:
Q: Where is a horse’s hocks?
A: On its back legs

Q: Where’s a horse’s frog?
A: On the bottom of its hoof.

Q: How tall is a horse that’s fifteen hands?
A: Five feet.

Q: What kind of a horse is a Paso Fino?
A: A gaited horse.

Q: How can you tell if a horse is colicking?
A: It keeps lying down, then standing up.

Q: What’s the difference between a bay and a chestnut?
A: A bay has black points.

Q: What tribe bred the first Appaloosas?
A: The Nez Perce

Q: What part of a horse most likely to be hurt when it founders?
A: Its feet.

Q: What part of the saddle should you always check before you head out on the trail?
A: The cinch.

Q: What is a mule?
A: The offspring of a female horse and a male donkey.


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