Mystery of the Seven Keys Locked Book

After you unlock and open the file from the Unknown message sender, you will see a picture of a sketched map. 

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This map is of the Cafe. Note that the X marks the spot, so start by looking for that in the cafe. 

In the back left corner is a bookshelf. The sketch refers to looking at the second column from the left, fifth shelf down. (In the 10.Kafka section, two shelves down.) A brown book can be picked up there.

There are two rings on the face, with the North arrow pointing up. The outer ring aligns with North, South, East and West and has four number dials that rotate. The inner ring aligns with Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest and also has four number dials. Now take a look at the image of the map again.

The N for North on the compass is pointing down. So the number you see furthest that direction (Northeast – yes, it is not exactly lined up with North) is 6.

R (East) is 4.

Z (South) is 3.

D (west) is 1.

The 6 and 3 are within the Cafe boundaries. While the 4 and the 1 are outside of the cafe. Therefore, 6 and 3 belong in the inner ring, and the 4 and 1 belong in the outer ring.

Return to the book. Turn the Northeast dial to 6. Turn the Southwest dial to 3. Turn the West dial to 1 and the East dial to 4.

Looking at the clue on the map, add the outer ring numbers to get the value of the dial in the inner ring below. For example, the 6 you entered has two outer dials next to it. The 4 is on the right. Four plus WHAT equals the 6 in the inner ring? The answer would be 2, so turn the dial next to the 6 (in the true North position) to 2.

In this picture below, I’ve color-coded the dials that need to be added together to get the result of the dial in between.

Solution to the locked book:

Outer circle Top = 2

Outer circle Right = 4

Outer circle Bottom = 2

Outer circle Left = 1

Inner circle upper right = 6

Inner circle lower right = 6

Inner circle lower left = 3

Inner circle upper left = 3

Here is where the numbers need to be rotated to:

Nancy Drew Mystery of the Seven Keys Locked Book with number dials from the map picture

Press the center N button and Nancy will mention the passcode as shown in the picture above.


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