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Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Tea Ceremony
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy must visit Takae for a third day to learn about the
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Translate the Article
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy finds a newspaper article about Kasumi behind the portrait. No one
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Change the Ryokan Clock
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy must investigate by evening or late night. To check the time,
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Origami Match
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy meets with Takai in the cultural room for another lesson, this
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Find the Pachinko Card
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, when Nancy arrives at the gaming parlor, she notices a comic book
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Explore Yumi’s Apartment
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, when Nancy asks for more information about the Ryokan, Yumi will clam
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Bento Puzzles
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy must help Yumi with a Bento order. You can solve Bento
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Portrait Backing
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy can help Rentaro get the backing off of the portrait. Move
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Navigate the Trains
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy must navigate the public transportation system. After reading about the highlighted
Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge Find the Cultural Room and Do Calligraphy
In Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water’s Edge, Nancy must locate the Culture Room (room 18 on the first floor)