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Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Lighthouse Color Lights
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must turn on the light in the lighthouse for Alex. To program it
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Get into the Lighthouse
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must get into the lighthouse to help Alex. Be sure to change the
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Snoop Elisabet’s Bag
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must snoop through Elisabet’s bag. To do this, you will need to create
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Fix the Heater for Dagny
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must fix the standing space heater for Dagny. Click on the top of
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Dinghy Motor
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must fix the dinghy’s motor for it to work. The boat has all
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Sails
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must solve the interactive sails puzzle activity in the museum. To learn about
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Use the Radio
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy needs to use the radio on the ship. The radio needs a key.
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Ropes Knots Display
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Soren asks Nancy to put together the ropes (knots) display. To solve this puzzle
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Use the Snowmobile
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy needs to use the snowmobile. To get it to work, you need a
Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness Puzzle Place Pins on the Map
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy finds a set of letters from solving the word search puzzle in the