Staircase Slider Puzzle

In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, to activate the missing steps of the tower’s spiral staircase, you need to solve the stone table slider puzzle. Follow these steps:

For Junior Level:

  1. Move pink bird left, then up.
  2. Move blue jackal down, left, then up.
  3. Move yellow leopard down, left, up, then left into its home.
  4. Move blue jackal right, then up.
  5. Move pink bird right, then down to its home.
  6. Move blue jackal down to its home.

For Senior Level:

  1. Move yellow leopard up, left, then up.
  2. Move pink bird left, then up.
  3. Move white griffon left, then up.
  4. Move blue jackal up, left, up, left, then down.
  5. Move yellow leopard down, left, then up.
  6. Move white griffon right, down, left, then up.
  7. Move yellow leopard up, then right.
  8. Move pink bird down.
  9. Move white griffon down, right, then up.
  10. Move yellow leopard down, right, then up. 
  11. Move white griffon left, down, left, then up.
  12. Move yellow leopard left, then down.
  13. Move white griffon right, then up.
  14. Move pink bird down, right, up, right, up, then left.
  15. Move white griffon down, left, then up.

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