In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, you can find up to 4 Easter Eggs in the game. The first is to open the triangle button box in the Captain’s Quarters
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Find the Treasure Chest
(The culprit is NOT revealed in this video, I keep them/him/her hidden). In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must navigate through the volcanic ice caves using the clues she
Navigate the Ice Caves
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must navigate through the volcanic ice caves using the clues she found. The directions on paper (found from doggie toy) called “Chart” should
Find all Journal Pages
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must find all of Captain Lawrence’s journal pages. There are four sets to find. 1. In the music box 2. Behind the star
Fish Across the Box Maze
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must find a fish token to slide across the the maze, located on the left side of the box hidden in the secret
Triangle Tiles in the Lighthouse
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy must look for the star that matches Magnus’s sketches. It’s located in the lighthouse. Look at the mosaic tile designs around in wall
Open the Doggie Toy
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy discovers some letters between Magnus and Dagny. In them Magnus asks about the specialty dog toy. The tiny key is located in the
Sounding Numbers
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, the last paragraph of Magnus’s journal mentions the sounding numbers and locator compass. There are two broken pieces of the compass to find: one
Symbol Grid
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy discovers and old locked box on board the ship, in a hidden room. On the right side of the box is a puzzle
Find and Place the Gears
In Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, Nancy needs to find all 5 gears, wheels, and crank to place in the wall found in the hidden room on the ship. Following