Find Mei and Open Little Liberty

In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Mei runs away. Read the Newspaper and talk with Teegan, Deirdre and the Hardy Boys. Then search under the pillow at the chair Mei always sits at to find her phone. Read through the text messages and head outside where you’ll find Jason. Talk to him about Mei and he will give you a ride to town.

Before you leave his car, snoop the glove compartment to find the plane ticket. Confront Jason about everything you can and he will tell you where to find Mei.

Examine the Little Liberty statue in the cemetery, then go to the Museum. At Olivia’s counter, click on the old-fashioned lantern by the robot cat. Olivia will let you borrow it. Take it back to the statue, look up, and place the lantern in Abigail’s outstretched hand. The tunnel opens up in the ground to the right of statue. Head inside to continue your hunt for Mei!


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