HeR Interactive’s 20th installment to their PC/Mac Mystery Adventure games based on the classic female detective, Nancy Drew! Ransom of the Seven Ships released in July 2009. The PC game
Tag: Nancy Drew
The Haunting of Castle Malloy
HeR Interactive’s 19th installment to their PC/Mac Mystery Adventure games based on the classic female detective, Nancy Drew! The Haunting of Castle Malloy released in October 2008. The PC game
The Phantom of Venice
HeR Interactive’s 18th installment to their PC/Mac Mystery Adventure games based on the classic female detective, Nancy Drew! The Phantom of Venice released in July 2008. The PC game is
Mobile Mysteries: Shadow Ranch
HeR Interactive’s first game for mobile based on the classic female detective, Nancy Drew! Nancy Drew®: Mobile Mysteries: Shadow Ranch released February 23, 2011, to iOS 3.0 and 3.2 in
Legend of the Crystal Skull
HeR Interactive’s 17th installment to their PC/Mac Mystery Adventure games based on the classic female detective, Nancy Drew! Legend of the Crystal Skull released in October 2007. The PC game
The White Wolf of Icicle Creek
HeR Interactive’s 16th installment to their PC/Mac Mystery Adventure games based on the classic female detective, Nancy Drew! The White Wolf of Icicle Creek released in July 2007. The PC
Nancy Drew Clue Book
A new Nancy Drew book series for young readers ages 6-9, the Nancy Drew Clue Book collection features Nancy, Bess, and George as young kids who solve more mysteries together.
The Purple Fingerprint
The Purple Fingerprint is the 44th book in the Nancy Drew Notebooks series. It was first published on October 1st, 2001. The eBook was published by Aladdin and released June
Nancy Drew Notebooks
The Nancy Drew Notebooks series was written for young detective readers ages 5-8. Nancy and her friends Bess and George are 8 years old and in the third grade. While
The Creature of Kapu Cave
HeR Interactive’s 15th installment to their PC/Mac Mystery Adventure games based on the classic female detective, Nancy Drew! The Creature of Kapu Cave released in October 2006. The PC game