Bonus Content – CRY

Bonus content for Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull (CRY) on this page includes fun facts, Easter eggs, awards, phone charms, and any additional tips and tricks for playing the game.

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Fun Facts

This is the first Nancy Drew game in the series to show the chocolate portion of the KoKo Kringle chocolate bar. Previous games only showed the wrappers.

The location of the street scenes at the intersection of Rampart & Dumaine is taken from the Mardi Gras Song.

Many of the library books have a pun or reference in the author’s name:

  • Bridges to Nowhere by Eileen Dover (I Leaned Over)
  • The Camel in the Needle’s Eye by J. Dromedas (Dromedary is a breed of Camel)
  • Cat’s Eye by Tab Chasseur (Tab is short for Tabby, a type of cat. Chasseur is a breed of cat.) 
  • Cavities and their Prevention by Dr. Mark Payne (Pain)
  • Chernetids and their Care by Scorpio Mack (A Scorpion is a chernetid)
  • Daniel and the Moving Finger by Daniel Biddle
  • Eye Candy by Mitzi Vroom
  • Finding Fish by Bill Kessler (Easter egg – past game reference to the character from The White Wolf of Icicle Creek)
  • Grinding Fake Eyes by Jennie Oculos (Oculus is the eye)
  • Turn a Blind Eye by Willie C. Mee (Will ye see me?)
  • Librarian’s Tale, A by P. Teecher
  • Limes and Coconuts by Sid Zest (zest of a citrus fruit)
  • My Eye and Other Tall Tales by Francoise Poutine
  • Not Now, Not Ever by Imogene Nougat
  • Prudent Living: A Memoir by P. Rutherford (Previous recurring character Prudence Rutherford)


This game won one award:

  • Parents’ Choice 2007 Gold Award, Best Software, ages 10-18


Easter Eggs

There are three physical Easter Eggs you can earn or find in the game (actual decorative eggs to add to your inventory.)

Egg 1: From playing the Skeeball game: turn all the blocks into hens, then into the eyes in a single session of playing.

Egg 2: From Grandfather Clock Puzzle: find a poem hidden in the Curio Shop (in the dark shadows of the mummy in the coffin) that contains a hidden number sequence that can be entered into the clock. The clue to solve this is the part that says “Thus having fun rhyming did numbers replace” and therefore you must look for words that rhyme with a number. The words to focus on are bolded below:

At midday, during math, a teacher once said,
“Let’s stop and try rhyming, yes rhyming, instead.
Rhyming is heaven,” this teacher exclaimed.
Some students said, “Great!” but most just complained.
Fine,” said Teacher. “Another math score in that case.”
Thus having fun rhyming did numbers replace.

Solution: rotate the clock hands and at each number click the “enter” button at the top center, press 12, 7, 8, 9, 4, 1.

  • Midday = 12
  • Heaven rhymes with 7
  • Great rhymes with 8
  • Fine rhymes with 9
  • Score rhymes with 4
  • Fun rhymes with 1

Egg 3: From the Symbols Chest 

When talking to Professor Hotchkiss on the phone, she will mention a website, In real life, the website was created by HeR Interactive in November of 2007, a fun find for savvy sleuths at the time. 

Nancy Drew Games "I Am Hotchkiss" Web Site, Bonus Content for Legend of the Crystal Skull
If visitors went to the “Current Projects” page, there would be a picture of three images, which would be recognizable to players of Legend of the Crystal Skull.

Nancy Drew Legend of the Crystal Skull Easter Egg Clue in web site. Symbols for Renee's chest.

Once players returned to the game and went back to Renee’s room, the three symbols could be recreated by pressing these buttons, numbering them from 1 at the very top center, going clockwise.

Symbol 1: 3, 12, 13, 17

Symbol 2: 1, 2, 6, 9

Symbol 3: 3, 4, 11, 14

An Easter egg is won!


Fun finds in the game:

The doll in Renee’s room on the chair is Naughty Tina, a doll from Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon.

The food truck chef is barely seen – only the lower portion of the shirt. This character was a recycled model of Shorty Thurmond from The Secret of Shadow Ranch

If you play as Bess and order gumbo, jambalaya, and crayfish bowls with added hot sauce, Bess will breathe (belch) fire as she backs up from the truck.

Achievements – Meta Awards – Trophies

The Sassy Detective awards (metagame awards) can be achieved by reaching the goals below. One award is granted based on the highest value the player has achieved:

  1. Sweet ToothFor your obvious enthusiasm for Koko Kringle bars. (Eat 6+ Koko Kringle bars.)
  2. Cajun Cookin’ ConnoisseurFor trying that spicy gumbo. (Eat gumbo with hot sauce.)
  3. Gumball GeekFor never meeting a gumball you didn’t like. (For trying every color gumball.)
  4. Wasp WhipperFor showing those pesky hymenoptera who’s boss. (Complete all levels of “Pick Loquat” without getting stung too many times.)
  5. Chit Chat ChampFor never missing an opportunity to chat someone up. (Complete all optional conversations.)
  6. Dummy DearestFor spending waaayyy too much time with that creepy dummy. (Several interactions with the dummy Tommy.)
  7. Marble MarvelFor solving the square and marble puzzle in record time. (Complete marble madness with 4 or fewer resets.)
  8. Powder PuffFor nosing around in all those powders at ZeKe’s. (Try all five powders at Zeke’s.)
  9. Egg HeadFor discovering an Easter Egg. (Collect at least 1 of 3 Easter Eggs.)
  10. Basket CaseFor finding all three Easter Eggs. (Collect all three Easter Eggs.)
  11. No Clue Left BehindFor discovering THE TRUTH behind Bruno’s purloined letter. (If the Authenticator is called.)
  12. Trivia Tamer – For guessing the ‘Final Answer’. (Guess the correct answer to the end game trivia question.)


Trivia Questions and Their Options (Correct answers in bold.)

1. Which of ZeKe’s hoodoo powders did Renee have in her room?

  1. Sneezing
  2. Hiccuping
  3. Itching
  4. Crying

2. How many awards did Bruno have displayed in the library?

  1. 5
  2. 7
  3. 9
  4. 11

3. Which costume did Iggy NOT have in his wardrobe?

  1. Eye Doctor
  2. Brain Surgeon
  3. Postal Worker
  4. Pirate

4. What was Bruno Bolet’s middle name?

  1. Elwood
  2. Sinclair
  3. Roland
  4. Kingston

5. What is Henry’s girlfriend’s name?

  1. Summer
  2. Ginger
  3. Taylor
  4. Skyler

6. Which is not a symbol on the skeeball game in Bruno’s secret room?

  1. Teeth
  2. Eye
  3. Nose
  4. Chicken

7. How much did Lamont pay for Bruno’s box of ‘stuff’?

  1. Fifty dollars
  2. One hundred dollars
  3. Two hundred dollars
  4. Three hundred dollars

8. What was Bernie’s favorite food?

  1. Marshmallows
  2. Dogs
  3. Cupcakes
  4. Licorice

Extra Tricks and Tips

  • None found at this time.

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