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Glad you stopped by! I’m Calina Herman – gamer, marketer, video editor, graphics and content creator. Come join the community centered around games, stories, and the lives we live surrounding them. I LOVE games, but I especially like sharing them with others. What games do you like to play? Take a look around and you’ll find Nancy Drew videos, information on Nancy Drew, and more gaming fun.

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Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Mei runs away. Read the Newspaper and talk with Teegan, Deirdre and the Hardy
Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy must snoop Alicia’s office, match the water works map to a map of
Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy continues to investigate the break in of the evidence room. On day 4,
Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem Investigate Break In and Compare Evidence List
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy must investigate the break in of the evidence room at the courthouse. Once
Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy must investigate the evidence room crime scene to figure out what was stolen.
Damian Faulkner has only been in one game to date: Midnight in Salem. As the boyfriend of Teegan Parry, he
Dr. Elisabeth Hirst has only made one appearance in the Nancy Drew games to date: Midnight in Salem. As the
Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Treasure in the Royal Twoer
In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, you collect three medallions and find the clues to what symbols they
Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Treasure in the Royal Tower
In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, you collect three medallions and watch the Professor’s video recording. Follow up
Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Treasure in the Royal Tower
In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, you are locked outside! Pounding on the door will not help. Do