In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy and the Hardy boys enter the underground tunnels from the cemetery to begin the hunt for Mei. Use her phone for navigation. N
Tag: Nancy Drew
Find Mei and Open Little Liberty
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Mei runs away. Read the Newspaper and talk with Teegan, Deirdre and the Hardy Boys. Then search under the pillow at the chair Mei
Find the Source of Ergot
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy must snoop Alicia’s office, match the water works map to a map of Salem, and then find the source of ergot that could
Review the CCTV Footage
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy continues to investigate the break in of the evidence room. On day 4, ask the Judge for the USB drive with the CCTV
Investigate the Break In and Check Evidence
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy must investigate the break in of the evidence room at the courthouse. Once you have gained access to the room, step inside and
Gain Access to the Evidence Room
In Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem, Nancy must investigate the evidence room crime scene to figure out what was stolen. Talk to the Judge to ask for permission. He will
Dr. Elisabeth Hirst
Dr. Elisabeth Hirst has only made one appearance in the Nancy Drew games to date: Midnight in Salem. As the first contact in the game, she is the main reference
Place the Medallions
In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, you collect three medallions and find the clues to what symbols they coincide with. In the tower, on the floor are the
Decode the Medallion Phrases
In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, you collect three medallions and watch the Professor’s video recording. Follow up on her clue: Just past Hotchkiss’s door and down the
Power the Ski Lift
In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower, you are locked outside! Pounding on the door will not help. Do get someone’s attention, return to the maintenance shed. You’ll want