Puzzles – TRT

Puzzles and activities the player gets to encounter and solve in Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower:

  1. Open your locker
  2. Fetch the Professor’s Boots
  3. Fix the stairwell light
  4. Getting the dinner order
  5. Escape and fix the elevator 
  6. Get to the library
  7. Find the secret study
  8. Learn the library alarm
  9. Answer the Professor’s questions
  10. Play the video camcorder
  11. Get to the tower
  12. Get through the barred door
  13. Find the gate key
  14. Locate the secret garden and get the red medallion
  15. Staircase slider stone puzzle
  16. Gold leaf jigsaw
  17. Power the ski lift
  18. Decode the medallion phrases
  19. Place the medallions


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